Tourette's Podcast - S6 - Episode 6 - Trixie

Danni's story is amazing. Tough upbringing, a younger brother to protect, a surprise introduction to tics, and finding a way to make total sense of the sometimes elusive thing that is identity through a kind of physical transformation. Danni is wildly smart about, and creative with, the journey through Tourette, even regarding Tourette as a distinct kind of personality -- with a name.

Danni Jack on Twitter 

Ben with Amanda Talty as guests on the TOTS Podcast

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Tourette's Podcast - S6 - Episode 5 - Buffering

This conversation with our guest this week, Gianna, from New York, was recorded on the night of Election Day in the U.S., meaning, yeah, it served as a much-needed break from the mud throwing. Gianna, who has a master's degree in psych and works with disabled children, was a lot of fun to talk with and we did so like a regular hangout, the kind we'd probably have if we weren't recording. We talk Tourette analogies, self-accepting, being queer but finding it harder to come out as having TS, how to find relatability, frames of reference, and how to roll it all into real advocacy work.

But, first, a deep, vulnerable word from a listener named Jackson.

Scrunchies for Tourette,

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Tourette's Podcast is made possible by the Tourette Association of America, Support!

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Geeks Rising Halloween Celebration

Tourette's Podcast - S6 - Episode 3 - The Noise (Jamie Grace and 'Finding Quiet')

One of the most requested guests in Tourette's Podcast history is here. Jamie Grace is a two-time Grammy-nominated singer, songwriter and actor who has refreshing angles on Tourette Syndrome, OCD, ADHD, anxiety and the components of each that are, sure enough, a privilege to have. (Hear her out!)

She has a new book, called 'Finding Quiet,' a concept everyone in the room can relate to, and do we ever. On this episode we talk about all the brain-compressing things competing for our attention and where to find the elusive pause button.

Really, it's been quite a year; this episode is healthy.


The new book by Jamie Grace, ‘Finding Quiet’

Jamie Grace central,

Tourette's Podcast is made possible by the Tourette Association of America, holding its Virtual Gala (emceed by Tourette's Podcast host Ben Brown) on Oct. 29, 2020. Check out

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Tourette's Podcast - S4 - Episode 11 - Tourette's Cop

It's #TourettesCop day on the podcast! We've got him, among our most in-demand guests, and it's great. What's it like to be a police officer with Tourette Syndrome? Answers ahead. Also: weighing in on Nick Cannon's "Tourette's" lyric and a followup on the Treating Tourette Together Summit, with a call to action.


Treating Tourette Together executive summary

TTT survey

12 Days of Giving at TAA

Everyday Experience podcast

Tourette's Podcast - S3 (FINALE!) - Episode 14 - To Any Average Viewer

If you watched the recent season of Survivor: Edge of Extinction, you'll recall notably energetic contestant Wendy Diaz. Wendy joins us on this episode, the finale to Season 3, and opens up about her life with Tourette Syndrome through rapid-pace honesty. We discuss her portrayal and how she thought the show handled her TS; Tourette hyperpower; aversion to sleep; social weirdness; strange takes about TS (from a large TV audience); being known for more than your TS; and trading tics, including a "sign of the cross" tic she ended up giving Ben. Plus: Great answers to the question about jury duty with TS; a Tourettic race-car driver; a thoughtful fundraiser; and something big that happened to Ben this past week. This episode closes out Season 3, but work is already underway on the next one, and there's plenty happening in the interim. Updates and more on this website.

Wendy explaining her TS on ‘Survivor: Edge of Extinction’

‘Survivor’ profile on Wendy

Wendy’s shop, PixelThat

Wendy on Instagram

Wendy on Twitter





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Tourette's Podcast - S3 - Episode 13 - Rusties and Ralphies Per Minute

An episode you'll love with guest Dylan Frost of the UK, whose story of Tourette Syndrome is fairly different than most. It’s led him to question convention while he works as an advocate (a prolific writer on Quora) for the community and addresses the nerves of going back to school with a misunderstood disorder. He also brings a favorite analogy for what it's like living with Tourette tics. Plus: listener questions and a truly, solidly great TS art project.

Dylan Frost on Twitter 

Writing about how Tourettes Action helped him find funding for CBIT 


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Tourette's Podcast - S3 - Episode 12 - Imitating a Snake

June 14, 2019

Peter Zhao was born and raised through boyhood in China before he moved to the U.S. and became the affable, freestyle-rapping online presence many of you know as Fabulously_Tourette. Peter, while multitasking (finishing up a bowl of soup, later changing his child's diaper and performing other home activities during the conversation) takes us from his youth and early family dynamics to establishing himself in New York and later incorporating Tourette Syndrome into his persona. He used to struggle with aspects of it; he's now content. Peter also gives an interesting explanation of his coprolalia, discusses his own tic-management preferences, and talks with Ben about racial diversity in TS. A rewarding episode covering territory Tourette's Podcast hasn't hit before.

SENSORY NOTE: While it's an awesome conversation, there's some background noise in parts of this episode, as we caught our guest in his duties as a father caring for two children at his home. Sometimes, different background sounds from the phone call overlap and could sound a little chaotic to people sensitive to such things. That doesn't occur throughout the episode, but there are a few, limited parts that get a bit noisy.

Things mentioned during the episode:

Fabulously_Tourette (Peter) on Instagram

On YouTube

The prevalence and epidemiology of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. Part 2: tentative explanations for differing prevalence figures in GTS, including the possible effects of psychopathology, aetiology, cultural differences, and differing phenotypes. (Thanks, Dr. Conelea!)

A National Profile of Tourette Syndrome, 2011–2012

Sunshine Summit August 2019 Livestream! Think of questions to ask Ben on Aug. 12 at 9 p.m EDT.





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