On The Subject: Is Batman: Under The Red Hood Cinema?

Time for the On the Subject crew to dawn our cowls and become the night. We are talking about the animated film adaptation of the Batman Comic; Under The Red hood.

Does the film strike true like a batarang or fall flat like a bad punchline. find out in this episode of our mini series: Cinema VS "Cinema."

Batman: Under the Red Hood

    ◦    Batman: Under the Red Hood is a 2010 American animated superhero adventure direct-to-video film produced by Warner Bros. Animation and released by Warner Home Video.[1] It is the eighth feature in the DC Universe Animated Original Movies series. The writer, Judd Winick, also wrote the "Under the Hood" run in the monthly Batman comic. The film received positive reviews, and is generally considered one of the best in the DC Universe Animated Original Movies line.

    ◦    The story is based on the 1988 Batman Comics story line "A Death in the Family," where readers voted via a 1-900 number to either save or kill off the second Robin, Jason Todd. Over 10,000 votes were cast and with only a 72-vote majority, the decision was made to kill him. Todd was later brought back in 2005 as part of the 2005 "Under the Hood" story line.

    ◦    Judd Winick, who wrote both the original comics story, was brought on to adapt the comic into this feature. He considered the movie the better version.


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